Is culture unique to human beings? Critically examine.
December 27, 2022

AN Drew
Culture is the Complex whole, Which include knowledge, Values, art, belief, morals, law, customs, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.
Cultural Anthropology
According to the Father of Cultural Anthropology, E B Taylor, Culture is the Complex whole, Which include knowledge, Values, art, belief, morals, law, customs, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.

Culture is an attribute of the genus homo. It is a design for living. It is the basics of human life. It rests on biology but is not biological.
Culture is unique to human species (Homo sapiens). –– human species is the only member of animal kingdom using symbolism and culture.To have a cultural ability there must be a capacity to create and use language and symbols. Our nearest relative do not posses this ability. Language is strictly a human capacity. Similiarly, Symbol making is a unique human ability.
Herskotivs has defined culture is the man made part of environment. As Animals do have societies, they live in groups, interact with each other, but for culture, they dont change environment. Their behaviour is based on instinct, and is not learnt. they lack the capabilities to change environment purposefully.
Culture is based on symbols. McIver defined a symbol is something representing something else by arbitrary human invention and common understanding.
Several Studies has shown that Higher primates also have the capacity to learn symbols. Such as ––
- Tool usage by Apes.
- Gestural Communication in Chimpanzees by Jane Goodall, 1986
- Japanese Monkey Potato Washing by Kawai, 1965
- AI Project of Kyoto University, Japan. –– observed Chimpanzee who were able to play computer games and even help others to learn them.
Combining these studies can be say that Higher primates also show capacity to learn symbols, acquired and learn behaviours.
Yet, it doesn’t mean that apes or any other animals is a cultural being. As Per Lesile White, the ability to symbolise doesn’t simply mean learning a few symbols, but to freely and arbitrarily assigning meaning to these and comprehended those meaning, Which is clearly lacked even in Greater Primates.
Due to above, at present, It can be considered that Culture is unique of human beings.